About Rebuilding Algeria
Rebuilding Algeria™is a non-profit corporation
dedicated to helping Algerians transition Algeria to a country where everyone has a chance to thrive
With a team of world-class professionals, Rebuilding Algeria™
brings cutting-edge expertise and experience to rebuilding our country on a modern and knowledge-based foundation
Rebuilding Algeria™ mission is to radically change how Algerians work today. This requires radical change in attitude, mindset and perspective

Business Code of Conduct based on California business law
- Equal Opportunity
- Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Prevention Policy
- Confidential and Proprietary Information Protection
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Global Anti-Corruption Policy
- Goal Setting and Execution
- Open Communication

The Culture Fit
Sharing the Same Values is Essential
- Integrity
- Respect
- Trust
- Unconditional Giving with Humbleness and Empathy
- Patience, Perseverance, Persistence
- Collaboration

Self-funded by Algerians for Algeria
- Technology is free
- Free access to knowledge from most reputable sources - MIT - Harvard - Stanford...
- Contributors are volunteering time and money
Education team